Conserving & Enhancing the Village | Registered charity no.264056 and 1206340

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CAG – Brighton and Hove Council’s Conservation Advisory Group


Date published: February 26, 2021

Rottingdean Heritage’s involvement explained

As part of our wider remit, one of our number acts as the representative for Rottingdean Heritage to the Conservation Advisory Group (CAG) which is part of the work of Brighton and Hove Council. CAG provides advice and comments on significant planning applications affecting listed buildings, conservation areas, locally listed buildings and historic parks and gardens, or their settings, where visible from the public realm or accessible to the public..

So keeping you right up to date (and thanks for being site members) we wanted to let you know that Rottingdean Heritage is involved (along with other members of CAG) into looking at the latest development plans for the old gas works in Kemp Town (see illustration above).

Our representative on CAG, Mr Michael Bennet, reports as follows:

Brighton Gasworks Site

As you may have read in the local press developers St William (a member of the London Stock

Exchange listed Berkeley Group) has published plans for the redevelopment of the gasworks site in

East Brighton. The site is on the north side of the coast road opposite the Marina, a mile or so to the

west of Rottingdean. No planning application has yet been lodged but the developer is currently

undertaking a second round of public consultation (the first took place last summer), which can be

accessed via the website

A number of local East Brighton residents have formed AGHAST to oppose the development in the

form proposed by St William. As can be seen from the attached extract from the consultation

document the development comprises a cluster of blocks of flats ranging from 4 to 13 storeys.

AGHAST has sought the support of amenity and conservation groups throughout the city. Rottingdean Heritage shares their concern that the height and massing of the development are inappropriate to the location and fail to respect the setting of the site in relation to the neighbouring downland of the South Downs National Park and the adjacent heritage assets comprising the grade 1 listed buildings in Kemptown.

The site presents an opportunity to build low rise high density residential development providing

affordable family accommodation. Rottingdean Heritage is also concerned to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to deal with the clean up of the site without risk to the public.

Rottingdean Heritage is a signatory to joint open statement expressing these views which has been signed by 12 other local amenity/conservation groups. It will lodge its response to the consultation prior to the closing date of 5th March and individual members who wish to comment should do so before the closing date via the website mentioned above.

24th February 2021

Further documents can be found here: