Conserving & Enhancing the Village | Registered charity no.1206340

Blue plaque and moving the sweeps

Date published: October 31, 2021

Blue plaque to Rabindranath Tagore (1861 – 1941).

Two committee members were invited to attend the unveiling of the plaque at No 2 Ship Street on 28 October. Tagore was a world-renowned Bengali polymath who in 1913 became the first non-Westerner to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. He lived in Hove in the 1870s and attended Brighton Proprietary School for Boys, a public school at 7 Ship Street. The event was attended by the Mayor of The City of Brighton and Hove and by the Deputy Lieutenant for East Sussex as well as members of the local Indian and Bengali communities, and hospitality afterwards was provided by the Hotel du Vin.





Turning of the Windmill sweeps

If you happen to look up towards Beacon Hill and the Windmill on Tuesday morning (2 November) and see the sweeps turning, there is nothing wrong with your eyesight! Weather permitting, the sweeps will benefit from their bi-annual 180 degree turn to redistribute the weight. The turn is carried out manually by Paul Rigden, our Windmill expert.