Conserving & Enhancing the Village | Registered charity no.1206340

AGM 24th August 2021

Date published: August 26, 2021

On Tuesday evening 24th August we held our AGM with 40 members in attendance.

During a lively discussion after the main proceedings had been concluded, some of our members put forward a number of ideas for future activities which RH might organise as follows:

    • An exhibition of any sort reflecting on the pandemic,
    • An exhibition of any sort created by teenage artists eg. photography, other media (for example David Hockney’s iPad paintings),
    • Consider opening in the evenings to attract working people,
    • Greater access to the village archives for the general public through display in other rooms in The Grange.

There was also a question asked about how we can attract younger members from the 25-45 age group, as well as young families with children.

If you have any ideas at all, please send them to us or talk to one of the committee members or add your comments and ideas below.

We are interested in considering anything the village suggests to us.

If you want to email us then please use this address:

Thank you.